• The skills to create a wardrobe full of sustainable, anti fast fashion pieces to be proud of!

    • The confidence to browse pattern websites and choose whatever you fancy regardless of how difficult they say it is!

    • Peer support, gentle accountability and a whole load of new creative friends on the same journey as you!

    • The ability to make REALLY special stuff for weddings and events, outfits that will wow!

    • Full authorisation to be MEGA SMUG when someone asks where you got your outfit and you reply, “I made it!?”

    • The creative license to make completely unique pieces

    • When does the course start?

    • Where is the course held?

      The course is all online so you can join in wherever you are! The course will be available to everyone via a members portal where all pre-recorded and live recording will be held for you to rewatch at your leisure!

    • What time is the course at?

    • What is the weekly time commitment?

      There is no weekly time commitment! You can decide to do the entire course at a later date because you are currently too busy. Or you can decide you're going to join us live every week and then spend all week honing your new skills, it's totally up to you! You'll have access to the class hub and the facebook support group looong after the course ends too!

    • I didn't do the challenge can I still join the course?

      Absolutely! There is no disadvantage to not having taken part in the challenge and if you want to watch any of the challenge videos back prior to the course I can make them available to you(but it's not required!).

    • What will I learn on this course?

    • What if I have a question after the class?

      Jenny and the team will be on hand to answer your questions throughout the week in the dedicated Facebook group and if you don't use Facebook via email. There will be an online portal for you to log into to watch pre-recorded classes and to rewatch live classes so you do not have to be on Facebook to join this course!

    • What do I need to join the course?

      Almost all the materials you will need are supplied with the course including patterns, fabric, buttons, interfacing and of course patterns! All you need is a sewing machine and basic sewing kit such as scissors and pins. If you need help with either of these let us know!

    • When is the next class I can't make this one?

    • Do I need to be an amazing sew-er to join this course?

    • Can I pay the course in monthly instalments?

    • What sizes do the patterns go upto?